Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Approaching Communication to Deliver Business Objectives


Internal communication in South Africa finds itself at a turning point that of a shift towards a strategic rather than operational focus. As it becomes apparent that regular communication platforms alone can no longer deliver behavioural alter or impact for the organisation, there is a growing require to location emphasis on strategic counselling, efficient outcomes-based measurement, and leadership communication.

Assisting communicators in South Africa is the lately released King Report III, a document that sets out the code of superb governance across company performance areas such as risk management, internal auditing, compliance, performance assessments, boards and committees, and extra. The third revision of the document introduces a section that deals with the governance of stakeholder relations. This has effectively opened the doors for communicators to walk into c-suite, but the onus is now on the profession to demonstrate strategic insights that can deliver against enterprise and financial objectives.

Section eight of King Report III deals extensively with the role of Stakeholder Relationship Management and promotes the significance of two-way communication in between an organisation and its diverse stakeholders. The 1st step is to make sure that all communication plans are aligned with enterprise objectives and are integrated across each external and internal communications. It is necessary to make sure that the messages sent to the public, which effectively make a brand promise and raise people's expectations, are aligned closely with the messages delivered to employees, which in turn really should highlight key company imperatives that will support deliver on brand expectations.

Internal communication will need to not be limited to purely operational and tactical elements. A large number of communicators get caught up with day-to-day administrative issues, and are preoccupied with seeking approval for messages instead of concerning themselves with the strategic alignment of those messages with their target audiences and their small business. Growing focus is being placed on audience understanding and stakeholder analysis, to make sure that communication is targeted at the ideal consumers via the appropriate platforms at the appropriate time, when taking into account the balance between what the organization needs to say and the audience desires to hear.

For communicators to stay relevant over the next decade, a focus must shift away from the procedure and content of delivering messages towards the impact that engagement can have over a certain time delineation. This means asking tough questions that will determine not only no matter whether audiences have been produced aware and have changed perceptions about the topic matter, but also regardless of whether staff have bought into the important messages AND changed their behaviour, to deliver the desired finish objectives.

As a lot of astute leaders have observed, communication is a means to an end, not the end itself. Hence simply distributing messages does not achieve any desired objective, other than to create volumes of content. The 'end' is indeed the enterprise and financial impact the latter becoming measured as an intangible asset.

To commence moving in a new direction, internal communication need to be as much about leadership training as it is about making properly written content for distribution in a properly structured delivery platform. Internal stakeholders should be provided with the relevant tools and expertise, so that they are aligned with the objectives of the organisation when facing the outside globe. It is also vital to preserve message uniformity all through the ranks. King Report III is a watershed for communication in South Africa, but has in effect only opened the door for alot more strategic invest in-in from senior management. It is now incumbent on communicators to present strategic communications plans with a home business imperative that secures ongoing get-in from leadership. The enterprise case is most absolutely there, as a lot of communicators are nicely aware, but it needs a alter in approach from leadership in order to remain relevant in perpetuity.

As research about the world shows, leaders have lost a wonderful deal of trust amongst their workforces in recent years. One of the most beneficial approaches to start out rebuilding that trust from the inside is by uplifting managers to be noticed as helpful, transparent, and accountable communicators. The creation of management toolkits on communication effectiveness is rapidly becoming a key job for internal communicators. Face-to-face communication is a strong element of a good communication program, which can be supported by regular and new media communication tools, such as posters, newsletters, intranets and mobile.

A straight forward example - values. Each and every organisation has them. And various are in fact so similar that they could be misconstrued as the very same! The differentiator lies in the behaviours staff demonstrate in living up to those values in their everyday routines. When posters with amazing-sounding words hang up in numerous organisations, the reality is that when staff are asked what behaviours they will need to demonstrate to really live the values, just about every staff member has his or her own interpretation of how to act. Strong internal communication campaigns, such as a 'look the part, act the component, live the part' concept, really should be run concurrently so as to personally engage staff with relevant messages.

Adding a third, and most potent dimension of this, is leadership communication - engaging key leaders and enablers to act within their sphere of influence to further inculcate the desired culture of an organisation. Managers ought to be trained on a pyramid of communication fundamentals and equipped with powerful toolkits to engage their employees. Trust, professionalism, and accountability, soon follow.

In South Africa, company communicators seem to be embracing these challenges, as they focus on the essential fundamentals around engaging stakeholders and the consequent business impact of such communication. Additional forums to address communication at a enterprise level, and higher involvement from trade believed leaders, will ensure that the industry and profession effectively navigate through the obstacles of the subsequent decade. These include academic qualifications, company alignment, the role of internal communication and the shaping of stakeholders' relations as a strategic (not operational) role.

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